Welcome to "Hitman"

The only fanlisting for Kirill from the Bourne Supremacy listed at the TheFanlistingsNetwork in the Characters: Bbook/Movie categeory.

Kirill is the hitman sent to obtain certain files and to kill the people who were trying to sell them. Then he frames Jason Bourne and almost kills him. Their second confrontations leaves him severly injured ...

To learn more about Kirill go here or if you are already fan - feel free to list yourself proudly among his fans.


This fanlisting was last updated 30th March 2024 and has a total of 53 members from 19 countries with 0 waiting for approval.

About 0.01 fans per day have joined since the fanlisting was opened on the 12th August 2004 by Jai. Who let me adopt the listing on the 7th November 2007.

The fanlisting is maintained by Barbayat with the aid of Enthusiast, CodeSort, Fan Update and other sources.


17th January 2023
Finally moved the fanlisting, fixed some minor issues with the links. Don't have buttons yet, but hopefully once I fix the other script stuff on my fanlistings.